In This Issue:
Feature Article
-- Dream Management PART II
Cross Cultural Dreaming
-- Electromagnetic Flux; Another Name For Miracle
Famous Dreams
--J.W. Dunne (British theorist on time, 1875-1949): What Is the Time?
Readers Dream & Analysis
--Request for Submissions
Symbol of The Month
--Do you Dream About Cars
Reader Comments
From The Editor
--Happy February and Happy Valentine’s Day
Submission Instructions
Feature Article:
In order to sort out which dreams are which and what’s what, it’s necessary to keep a record of all your dreams. And for this you need to learn how to keep a dream journal.
Documenting all of our remembered dreams can provide a remarkable insight into our dreams and ourselves. However, it can also be somewhat taxing. Over time, it can provide material for us to work on from hitherto hidden places. It may be that over a period of time most of our dreams appear to be connected with a specific subject. Having thought that we understand the sequence of dreams, we establish the theme and can shelve it and return to it later. The same theme may come up again in a few months or even years in the future, with greater vision and more dream material to work on. Keeping a dream journal enables us to observe and to map our improvement in learning about ourselves and comprehending everyday life.
Each dream has its own individual interpretation at the time of being read. At the time the dream was dreamt, it had a specific meaning pertinent to your life at that time, and it may have been a part of a continuing series. When, again you return to your journal in the future, the same dream may have important information that is relative to a situation at the future date. If a dream is a part of a series, it may need reassessing. The dreaming brain is highly effective in that it will offer material for consideration in many different ways as possible until such times as we “get it.” The same dreaming self can obscure the information in non-essential material which needs removing before the dream can be worked with. Even lucid dreaming can lose clarity in this way, and what has started out as an easy process becomes cluttered and difficult. Dreams have so many elements that they can be interpreted in many different ways and usually need multiple explanations.
Using a dream journal helps us to take note of both the material of our dreams and also the way in which our dreams are put together. The more we learn to remember our dreams, the better at dreaming we become. So many individuals who claim not to be very good at dreaming are amazed at both the quality and quantity of their dreams when they do start recording them.
For those of you who haven’t yet begun to record your dreams, here is a brief outline of what type of information you might want to keep in your journal:
Some paper and a pen or pencil or a recorder by the bed so you can record your dream immediately upon waking.
Always keep writing implements handy for when you get some insights or fragments of a dream
Write as much detail as you possibly can
Make a note of whether you were aware that you were dreaming (lucid dreaming)
It is generally agreed that it’s best to write in the present tense; “I am walking” rather than “I was walking.”
Information to keep track of:
- The Title of the dream
- Date and time of the dream
- Where you where when you had the dream (if not at home)
- The detailed dream report itself
- Record anything odd about the dream (i.e. animals, bizarre situations, dream signs(which we’ll discuss in another article)
- Make a note of the background or setting
- Record your emotions within the dream and/or upon waking.
Writing down the dream has a particular kind of satisfaction. However, just as many people now like to use a computer and any available software to make their dream recording tasks easier, there are those who would rather use a recording device in order to secure the uninterrupted flow from sleep to the waking state. Using a tape recorder and “speaking” the dream fixes it in your mind and requires less concentration than writing it down. You’re therefore much more in touch with the feelings and emotions of the dream.
When you make your preparations for sleep into a habit or ritual you will concentrate your mind on the activity of dreaming. This also includes the preparation of your journal, perhaps recording the date and time you went to bed, the subject you hope to dream about and so on. Using affirmations to achieve creative dreaming or to dream about a certain subject helps to train the subconscious to respond to your needs rather than introducing material at random. Impressing on your mind that you will gave a dream to record in your journal is all part of dream management.
Dreamers with a mathematical or scientific frame of mind might prefer to look at their dreams analytically and find instances of statistical relevance to make it easier to trace dreams with similar themes, energies or objects. These can also be recorded in your journal. When experimenting with creative dreaming, it helps to carry your dream journal with you during the day. One reason for this is to jot down instances of synchronicity –occasions when you see something which approximates to a dream image, whether bizarre or otherwise—and the other reason is to note possible subjects which might be worthwhile exploring.
Whether your dream is lucid or not (more often not) you will always need to analyze its structure. There are several ways in which to do this. The more proficient you become, the more your dreams will begin to make sense. As time goes by, you’ll begin to see certain themes and ideas repeated over and over. These will begin to fall into place until you have internalized what you need to know. By keep a journal, you’ll find that certain parts of one dream –and the way that they have been structured—may well relate to segments of another dream and the answer is hidden therein.
First of all, write out the dream in your own words The best way to analyze the structure of a dream is to split it into it component parts exactly as written in your journal. You’ll need to decide how your dream may be split into segments. The way that you choose to divide it up may be very different from the way I would do it. Try to look for natural breaks that divide it into two or three distinct parts –each with their own story.
The next part of analyzing the dream structure is to find out which is the most important segment. Often, the most important section is the one that has the most emotional effect on you, but not always.
It’s advisable to name all segments of the dream. As an example, the first section or segment might be titled the “basis” or “setting.” It’s important that the name/title resonate with you. You might call the second section “the heart of the matter (or whatever the situation might be). And of course the final section might be titled something like “the resolution or outcome.” Naming the parts of the dream helps you to recall the action and reactions in the dream at a glance.
It’s also of vital importance to discover within each section whether you, the dreamer, are active (taking action) or passive (inert). By looking at the dream in this way begins to uncover the similarities and differences between each segment.
Once the dream has been worked on in this way the various the various themes can be listed and further work done on the symbols in each section which pick up these themes. A useful consideration might be given through dreamwork as to whether the dreamer is something of a loner and how she reacts to the world she lives in.
The validity that we can direct dreams has been tested in many labs and by many researchers. Many people first begin to use lucid and/or directed dreams as a way of controlling nightmares.
Cross-Cultural Dreaming (Mind):
I’ve chosen an interesting article on the mind for this issue. As I’ve mentioned, this newsletter doesn’t JUST focus on dreaming, but also on the mind.
In 2002 An amazing experiment in “Mind Power” was conducted by Indian scientists. : Electromagnetic flux another name of miracle
Power of telepathy and mind is not new. When people read minds and communicate with others without actually using any of the human communication methods, we call it telepathy.
In New Delhi psychiatrists performed a very strange experiment with the mind power and communication techniques. They found that when mind is concentrated to a dot and then applied to perform any function, miracles could happen.
When will power and mind concentration is applied, intense electromagnetic flux is created. This energy form is live and can quickly get mobilized to perform miracles.
According to the mind scientists, those who can create miracle are not really hoax. They can create intense electromagnetic flux with mind concentration. The electromagnetic flux in turn can create the energy domain that can be used to drive any action.
For example, according to this theory, a human being can easily focus, concentrate and stare at a clock and move its hands to forward or reverse time. One may say it is hoax till they find no manipulation. But according to the new scientific theory, mind concentration can create the necessary pool of electromagnetic flux around the clock. Then the electromagnetic flux is used to drive the clock forward or backward.
The psychics are not hoax either. They can also create the energy flux and use to someone’s advantage. The only anomaly lies in understanding how to use the flux to perform a function.
Religious leaders in the past had mastered this spiritual technique. We today, struggle with the same.
Article source: India Times.
Famous Dreams:
It occurred in 1898, when I was staying at an hotel in Sussex. I dreamed one night that I was having an argument with one of the waiters as to what was the correct time. I asserted that it was half-past four in the afternoon; he maintained that it was half-past four in the middle of the night. With the apparent illogicality peculiar to all dreams, I concluded that my watch must have stopped; and, on extracting that instrument from my waistcoat pocket, I saw, looking down on it, that this was precisely the case. It had stopped--with the hands at half-past four. With that I awoke.
The dream had been a peculiar one. . .and the net result of it all was that I lit a match to see whether the watch had really stopped. To my surprise it was not, as it usually is, by my bedside. I got out of bed, hunted round, and found it lying on the chest of drawers. Sure enough, it had stopped, and the hands stood at half-past four. . . .
On coming downstairs next morning, I made straight for the nearest clock, with the object of setting the watch right. For if, as I supposed, it had stopped during the previous afternoon, and had merely been rewound at some unknown hour of the night, it was likely to be out by several hours.
To my absolute amazement I found that the hands had lost only some two or three minutes--about the amount of time which had elapsed between my waking from the dream and rewinding the watch.
This suggested, of course, that the watch had stopped at the actual moment of the dream. The latter was probably brought about by my missing the accustomed ticking. But--how did I come to see, in that dream, that the hands stood, as they actually did, at half-past four?
Reader's Dream & Analysis:
The purpose of this section is to give my readers some help. If you’ve had a dream that you’ve ever wondered about, or if you’ve just remembered one, submit it. It’s your opportunity to receive a free analysis.
Symbol of the Month:
In these fast-paced and technological times, it comes as no surprise that we often dream about the vehicles we drive. It is more than likely that dreamers dreamt of their horses or chariots back in the day...but let's come back to the 21st century.
According to the dictionary, a vehicle is a means of conveyance from one place to another. In dreams, vehicles may symbolize this as well. How are you getting from where you are to where you want to be?
According to Edgar Cayce (an American psychic, known as the sleeping profit), your dream car represents:
- The vehicle or means by which you move through the journey of life.
- A general warning concerning a car accident or incident, depending on the contents of the dream. If, for example you dream of your car stalling, then you need to check your motor, rather than worry about an accident.
- If you dream of a speeding car, this may be suggesting that you are hurrying or forcing an issue.
- Often times, a vehicle represents the physical body and its condition. What condition is the vehicle in? Is it all banged up, or is it shiny and new? Is it running out of gas, or ready to fall apart?
- A car (or vehicle) may also symbolize your mindset or ideas. Is the car old and outdated? Are you having difficulty steering or stopping?
- Very often, a car (or vehicle) represents your deep (often unacknowledged) drives and ambitions...what drives you, what motivates you. Examine the rest of the dream for further clues.
- These days, your car may be a representation of your status or social standing. But, of course, you must decide if this is what it represents for you. Some dreamers are completely unconcerned with these issues, while others are very sensitive to them.
- And lastly, a car may represent you self-control or lack of it. Who's driving the vehicle? How is the car being driven, irratically, dangerously, slowly?
Here are some different situations involving cars (or vehicles in general) you may find in your dreams:
Sitting in the front seat but not driving
If you're in the front seat of your own car, but you're not driving, this may be showing you that you have relinquished command or control of your life, or a situation, to another person, or to chance. You can see where you're going, but you have no control.
Sitting in the back seat
If you're riding in the back seat of your car, this may be suggesting that you're putting yourself down, taking a back seat to others, allowing others to take over, not using your abilities, or not exerting your rights in your life or career.
If you find yourself in the trunk of the car
This implies that you are totally out of contact with your life. You have no vision, no goals, and you're not attempting to even try to see your way clear. You may be bound by circumstances and limitations of your own making, especially if it's your own car.
A passenger in someone else's car
This may be refering to someone "taking you for a ride," or that you're "just along for the ride" (no goals or ambitions of your own). It may also be suggesting that you use other people for your physical needs. Often, however, being the passenger represents your willingness to follow someone else's drives and desires, rather than your own.
How are you driving?
How you drive your car can depict how you are driving yourself or how you drive others. It can denote your driving desires and ambitions, show what motivates you, or may imply that you are not paying attention to where you are going in life. Are you being reckless? Overly cautious? Are you fearful while driving? Are you enjoying the drive?
Are you driving someone else's car?
This may imply that you are either exerting control over someone's life, or that you may be taking advantage of them in some way; using them or their talents, ideas, abilities or energies for your own purposes.
Is someone else driving your car?
Are you the one being used? Is someone using your talents, money, ideas, energies or abilities for their own profit or purposes? This may be depicting how others take advantage of you, or how you’re allowing this to happen.
Driving drunk
This may be suggesting that alcohol is driving, or influencing your life.
Losing your car
This may be suggesting a loss of self-esteem, pride, self-image, a job, freedom, or your present lifestyle or pet project. It may also denote feeling lost or out of touch with yourself or with life. Have you been feeling lost? Do you feel as though you've lost your desire or ambitions?
Can't find your car
If you can't find your vehicle, this may be suggesting that you are search for your self-identity, attempting to discover your true drives and ambitions...what it is you really want. Perhaps you are at a place in your life where you're just not sure how to get to where you want to be.
The colour of the car (vehicle)
The colour is an important clue as to the meaning of the car in the dream. If your vehicle, no matter what kind, is different in your dream from the actual colour of your car, then there is an added significance shown by that colour. We will be covering colour in dreams in another article.
Black vehicles often denote conservative, orthodox ways of thinking and acting, and an overall unwillingness to change. Sometimes, however, a black vehcile may represent the unknown, or darkness. Again, look to the rest of the dream for further clues.
Always take into account the possibility of the dream being literal as to the conditions of your physical vehicle, a mental or emotional situation, or an ESP warning. Check both your car and your body when in doubt. Most of all, remember that your associations to a car (or vehicle) may be completely different than mine. You may have some personal trauma associated with cars. You may have a resentment toward them that would influence the meaning of the car in a dream.
If you are in an accident
Being involved in a collision with another car in a dream may represent a "run in" with another's lifestyle, beliefs, goals or purposes. It may denote a coming conflict or confrontation, or be a warning that you're on a collision coarse with a person (or group). Don't rule out the possibility that it is an actual warning of an accident.
Racing cars
This probably is showing you that you are going at a very fast pace, pushing for success or driving yourself too hard. It may also imply that you are going around in circles and not getting anywhere fast.
Backing up
If you find yourself backing up, this may be suggesting that you are backing out of a situation or an agreement, going back to something you did before, or backing away from a situation or circumstance. Perhaps you're going back over things in your mind and reviewing and re-evaluating the situation. It may be suggesting that you're going backward rather than forward in your growth and/or progress... you're regressing.
Buying a new car
This may be your subconscious mind's way of showing you that a whole new lifestyle is possible, or even on its way. Perhaps you are updating your goals, revitalizing, renewing or rethinking your motives and drives. It's possible that you have found, or will find, a new and better way to express yourself.
Running out of gas
This implies that you are out of energy, and that you have no drive, enthusiasm or ambition. You're feeling run down, cut off from your source, and in need of revitalization and renewal. You may need a physical checkup, a vacation, a new diet, or vitamins. This is generally a warning to take action to re-energize.
Selling or trading in your old car (or vehicle)
This suggests that you're giving up old habits or old ways of doing things for newer ideas, better ways of doing things, greater health and a better, finer lifestyle.
Slipping and sliding
Sliding along the road or slipping on ice or wet ground implies a loss of control of yourself in a situation. You may need to be a little more cautious and take it slower. It may also represent your feeling of "losing it."
Driving hard and fast in a dream can be a warning that you're pushing yourself too hard and need to slow down a bit. Getting a speeding ticket would be a direct warning from your Higher Self of your need to slow down your driving, your lifestyle, or both. It may also be a precognitive warning. Watch out for radar and speed traps for the next little while.
You car gets stuck
This is a good way to demonstrate your lack of progress. Being stuck, or unable to get your vehicle moving implies being unable to move forward, or generally get wherever it is you want to go.
Washing your car
You need to clean up your act! This may suggest a need to cleanse out old bad feeling, hurts, disharmonies or imbalances. It may indicate a need for a clean start, or fresh new ideas, motivations or desires. As well, this may be suggesting you need to pay more attention to personal hygiene.
Getting your vehicle repaired
Since a car (or vehicle) can represent your physical body, this may be suggesting that you need a physical checkup. You may have some minor health issues that, if taken care of quickly, shouldn't be a major problem. Look to the parts of the vehicle that need repaired, or are repaired, for more clues as to what the actual problem might be. Are you getting your fuel pump repaired? This may suggest a heart problem. Is the exhaust the problem? This may suggest a digestive problem. Your feelings upon waking may also give you a clue as to what's what.
Your car is stolen
This could represent someone stealing your thunder, taking your ideas, using your energies, taking credit for what you have done. If you are the one doing the stealing, then you are the one stealing someone else's thunder, energies, etc.
Are you in a limousine?
This may denote a very special occasion or lifestyle, or may show prestige, showmanship, power, wealth, or an exaggerated sense of self-worth. It may also suggest a need to show off, or an intense desire to impress others. In some cases, it may be suggesting a super-ego, an overcompensation for, or complete lack of self-worth, a cover-up for poor self-esteem.
The style of car is also important. It can demonstrate your view of yourself, your preferences or your perspective. If the car in your dreams, is not the same as your physical car, this may be showing you what you truly want, or who you are deep down.
An antique car
This can denote an old, antiquated belief system, or goal based on old, out-dated information or childhood desires that you should have outgrown. Or, it can represent a valuable treasure, something that has stood the test of time. It may also imply old memories or the past that are not useful to you any more.
Big car
This is a symbol representing feeling big, important, capable, confident, prosperous and well-satisfied with yourself and your abilities and accomplishments (provided that you like big cars). It can also imply that you (or someone) is acting like a big-shot, showing off or overcompensating for low self-esteem.
Small car
This may portray a feeling of smallness, of inferiority. The dreamer may be feeling small, powerless, unimportant or insignificant. It can depict a generally poor self-worth, low self-esteem, an impoverished lifestyle or attitue. If you have been belittling yourself or your accomplishments and contributions to society, you may have small cars in your dream.
A convertible represents freedom, changeability, open-mindedness, versatility. It shows a fun-loving and light attitude or nature. If the top is down, this may be showing you that there is no roof, that the sky's the limit.
Race car
This may be a pun on your race or your attitudes about other nationalities; may imply hard-driving attitudes. It may also represent your competitive drives and ambitions, and your need to win.
Sports car
This could represent a pet project of yours, a hobby, belief system, or alternative lifestyle, especially if it is a second car. It may indicate a desire to look good to others, or to be a good sport. A sports car in your dream may also imply being a spoil-sport. On the other hand, it can indicate having a more carefree, fun-loving attitude about yourself and what you do. How it should be understood depends on your personal feelings about sports cars. If the sports car is also a convertible (see above) then it is likely that this symbol is a representation of a fun-loving, carefree attitude.
Station Wagon or Minivan
This type of vehicle often denotes family responsibility, daily chores and family affairs. If it is a work vehicle, it may be implying that you feel used, abused, over-worked, overloaded or hard pushed, unless you really enjoy the work.
Readers Comments:
No comments this issue
From The Editor:
It’s February, which means we’re going to freeze our tails off here in Alberta. We’ve been going through a cold spell. It was -50 below (celcius) here the other day. There was an absolutely horrific incident in Saskatchewan (the next province over) where two baby girls froze to death. My heart broke when I heard the news. I usually don’t read, watch or listen to the news for that very reason… it breaks my heart to hear about such things.
The reason I brought up the sad incident is because I dreamt about 2 children and ice, but forgot to write it down. Now all I can remember are those two images. See why it’s important to write down your dreams… you never know what they’re trying to tell you.
On a happier note, it’ll be Valentine’s Day soon. If you have a special someone in your life, let them know how much you love them. If you don’t have a special someone, let yourself know how much you love YOU.
Have a great month and a Happy Valentine’s Day.
Talk to you next month,
Dream Well,
To submit your dreams or comments, visit our contact page.